Friday, November 11, 2011

livve life hope~~

did you know when you dream about a person, that person went to sleep thinking of you?
did you know when that person looks at you a lot they can't live without you?
did you know when that person you like looks at you and then looks down, they're crazy about you?
did you know when that person looks at you directly in the eyes they love you more than you think?
did you know when that leave, they say BYE too much because they don't want to let you go?

there are no PRICE tags on LOVE nor HAPPINESS, but it doesn't stop people from trying to buy them.....

SOMETIMESS, we must be hurt in order to grow. it's simply because, some lessonsare best learned through PAIN....

when SOMEONE comes into your life, GOD sent them for reasons. either to learn from them, or to be with them until the end....

soo..aku pun xtau ape yg aku tlis td...aku keliru,resah,gelisah serba salah..anything else lahh...
aku xtw perasaan ak...n i dun know what i want now!! humm... yeess!! this is my mistake...ak yg buatkan keadaan jadi mcm ny..buatkan org tertunggu2 ak..buat org syg ak yg amat sgt.. ak syg dye tp ak xtw perasaan aku ny ad ape skrg...ak was2...ak xnafikan yg dye baik sgt ngn ak...ak cbe untuk berkasih dengan ak xpasti perasaan ak ny betul2...ak takot pisang berbuah dua kali jew....soo...plizz la tolong faham ak...dan ak minta maaf sgt2....ak bersalah sgt kat dye...bersalah yang amat sgt sbb buat dye mcm ny...dye patut dapat yang lbh baik dri ak...


  1. jangan mudah ptus asa dlam yg awk syg 2 xpnh slhkn awk...dy sntiasa akn cube phm awk kne ykinkn dy yg awk mmpu sygkn dy n lupekan kisah lme awk..buka buku baru ngn dy...dy sygkn awk spnuh aty dy..awk jgn was2 ngan dy...insyallah dy xpnh tpu awk pn..dy hnye sygkn awk sorg jew....awk...cri dy n pegang dy n jgn lpaskn dy...skli awk hlang bnde yg ptut awk trima awk akn mnyesal slmenya..

  2. Sabar je . ta pelu kita mencari da kerna ALLAH da tulis yg terbaek tuk kite k dear .
